WP3: Analyze

WP3: Analyse – Analysing evolving EMI trends and unusual events

In contrast to how current EMC standards deal with electromagnetic immunity, a device that is subject to EMI cannot be easily described as either operating correctly or not. There is a wide range of intervening states that describe the operating behaviour of a device that is neither in a perfect state, nor has it failed, but it is somewhere in between. A lot can happen in this grey transition zone: from nothing happening at all, over internal errors, to a disruption of critical capabilities/services at the system level. Therefore, WP3 concentrates on the characterisation of this region in between to better understand the condition of the device, so that we can know whether it is just about to fail or whether it is capable of continued operation. DC8 and DC9 will be working closely on complementary projects. DC8 will work on a technique to monitor non-linearities in the EM behaviour as a warning for upcoming interference. DC9 will identify anomalies in the occurring electromagnetic disturbances during operation of mission- or safety-critical systems. To conclude WP3, DC10 will focus on the electromagnetic field characterization, coupling analysis, and signal-integrity prediction in complex enclosures, with a particular interest in those with low Q-factor.