About the project

MSCA Doctoral Network iSense

In-Situ Monitoring of Electromagnetic Interference

The iSENSE Doctoral Network on In-Situ Monitoring of Electromagnetic Interference has a clear mission: to train a new generation of experts who possess the skills and fundamental knowledge required to effectively address our intricate and ever-evolving electromagnetic environment to tackle the issue of electromagnetic interference. Specific innovations to be expected are innovative EMI sensors and monitoring methodologies, early warning tools for detecting EMI occurrences, the formulation of novel modelling and test strategies and, overall, a greater success in avoiding EMI issues.

The interdisciplinary needs required to realise iSENSE’s overall mission are of such a complexity that we see a large training network involving some of Europe’s flagship companies – such as Thales, Philips and Airbus – together with leading European universities in the field – like KU Leuven, UTwente and TU/e – and industry-oriented research organisations – Fraunhofer and RISE – as the best way to tackle the related Science/Technology (S/T) challenges, which are briefly described as follows and which will be the aim of the project’s four Scientific/Technological (S/T) WPs:

Challenge 1: Sense (WP1)

Devise a diverse set of sensors that are both cost-effective and capable of detecting various types of electromagnetic disturbances. These sensors should be applicable at all levels of design, from small electronic components to complex systems. The aim is to have a toolbox of sensors that can effectively identify and measure EMI in different settings and across different frequency ranges.


Challenge 2: Monitor (WP2)

Improving our ability to continuously monitor electromagnetic environments. It includes the development of methodologies for real-time and long-term monitoring of EMI, ensuring that we can identify and address new electromagnetic disturbances as they occur.


Challenge 3: Analyse (WP3)

Deepen our understanding of evolving trends in the electromagnetic environment and how electromagnetic disturbances affect high-technology systems. This involves both anomaly detection and characterizing the various intermediate states that devices may experience when subjected to EMI, ranging from ‘working perfectly’ to ‘actually failing’.


Challenge 4: Exploit (WP4)

Get better at applying this knowledge when designing and testing such systems. This challenge focuses on translating the knowledge gained in the previous challenges into practical applications. It involves enhancing the design and testing processes of high-technology systems to make them more robust to EMI.


Together, these four challenges are referred to as the “Sense – Monitor – Analyse – Exploit” backbone of the iSENSE Doctoral Network.

The inter/multi-disciplinary characteristics are guaranteed by the presence of 9 universities and 2 industry-oriented research organisations as beneficiaries from 7 countries (BE, NL, FR, DE, ES, CZ, BG), bringing in top-class expertise in electromagnetic compatibility, electrical design, sensoring, anomaly detection and statistical modelling as well as domain knowledge of relevant application sectors. Furthermore, the inter-sectoral characteristic is guaranteed by the support of a series of industrial entities, such as Thales, Philips Healthcare, Valeo, Airbus, Barco, RISE, etc., forming a fully interrelated, integrated, and international consortium. The mix of industrial Associated Partners shows the widespread interest from many sectors, like medical, automotive, medical, energy, aerospace, and professional electronics. The industrial Associated Partners will make facilities available to the researchers, present needs and research results at the Network Wide Events, provide real case studies, offer practical training during secondments in industry, and be members of the iSENSE’s Doctoral Guidance Committees.

The iSENSE Doctoral Candidates (DCs) will become highly employable scientists/engineers for the EU electronics sectors and other related industries, including automotive, medical equipment, power generation and distribution providers as well as for standardisation bodies, scientific institutions, and public organisations.

The 15 PhD positions
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