DC14: Electromagnetic simulation of incertitude in complex systems: applications to emissions from photovoltaic installations

Project: Electromagnetic simulation of incertitude in complex systems: applications to emissions from photovoltaic installations (WP4)

Host institution: UGR (Spain)

Supervisor: Luis Manuel Díaz Angulo (UGR, Spain)

Co-supervisor(s): S.G. Garcia (UGR, Spain), Davy Pissoort (KU Leuven, Spain), Roberto Moreno (Ikerlan, Spain)


  1. Develop innovative stochastic models for the unpredictable EMI aspects of electronic systems with a focus on photovoltaic systems.
  2. Integrate the stochastic models into the existing time-domain simulation frameworks at UGR.
  3. Enhance EMI simulation tools to more reliable and robust tools for assessing anomalies.

Expected Results:

  1. Innovative stochastic models for electronic systems in complex electromagnetic scenarios.
  2. Successful integration of stochastic models into the existing deterministic simulation frameworks at UGR.

Planned secondment(s):

  1. Academic secondment: KU Leuven, Tim Claeys, M25-M28, 3M, Elaborate a risk based approach on the EMC treatment of photovoltaic facilities. Use the developed stochastic time domain simulation tools to evaluate risks and score proposed solutions.
  2. Industrial secondment: Ikerlan, Roberto Moreno, M17-M19, 2M, Study and measurements of transients and EMI pollution in a photovoltaic facility with focus on the low frequency range.

Enrolment in Doctoral degree: UGR (Spain)


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